Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Meet Your Teacher

    • Photography Class Introduction

    • Photography Progress Chart - Print this chart off and when you earn achievements you can glue them on and track your progress!

    • Why you should and where you can share your images online.

    • You will need a DSLR camera for this class - Here is a PDF that will tell you 5 Things to Look for When Buying a DSLR Camera

  2. 2
    • Camera Obscura

    • How to Make Your Own Camera Obscura

    • ASSIGNMENT - Make your own Camera Obscura! Download and print this PDF for directions and make your very own camera obscura. Have fun looking through it and seeing all the images upside down.

    • Quiz: Camera Obscura

    • Camera Obscura Achievement

    • The History of Photography

    • ASSIGNMENT - History of Photography Timeline - Print this timeline and draw a line to match the pictures to the correct date

    • History Timeline Achievement

  3. 3
    • How to Properly Hold Your DSLR Camera

    • Practice: Get your camera out and practice holding it correctly!

    • Get to Know Your Camera

    • Getting To Know Your Camera

    • Basic DSLR Camera Parts

    • What Camera Parts do You Know?

    • How to use the Self Timer

    • How to set the Self Timer on MY Nikon camera

    • ASSIGNMENT- Take your own self portrait by using the self timer on your camera.

    • Self Portrait Achievement

    • ASSIGNMENT - Download and print this PDF. Label the basic parts of the camera.

    • Label Camera Parts Achievement

    • ASSIGNMENT - Download and print this PDF. Use this check list to find all of these parts on YOUR camera.

    • Find Camera Parts Achievement

    • Camera Modes Video

    • Camera Modes

    • Quiz: Camera Modes

    • ASSIGNMENT - Take a photograph using each of the modes that are on YOUR camera.

    • Camera Modes Achievement

  4. 4
    • Focusing Tips

    • Quiz: Focusing

    • ASSIGNMENT - Take at least 3 perfectly focused images. Try using the focus and recompose method.

    • Focus Achievement

  5. 5
    • White Balance

    • White Balance Example

    • Quiz: White Balance

    • How to Set the White Balance on a Camera

    • ASSIGNMENT - Experiment with white balance.

    • White Balance Achievement

  6. 6
    • Aperture and How it Works

    • Aperture PDF

    • Quiz: Aperture

    • ASSIGNMENT - Use aperture priority

    • Aperture Priority Achievement

    • Bokeh

    • ASSIGNMENT- Take a photo with bokeh in the background.

    • Bokeh Achievement

    • Shaped Bokeh

    • Shaped Bokeh Tips and Tricks

    • ASSIGNMENT - Make your own shaped bokeh pattern and use it to take a photo with shaped bokeh in the background.

    • Shaped Bokeh Achievement

  7. 7
    • Shutter Speed

    • Shutter Speed PDF

    • Quiz: Shutter Speed

    • ASSIGNMENT - Using the shutter priority mode on your camera, shoot one image that shows motions and one image that stops motion.

    • Shutter Priority Achievement

    • Painting With Light

    • ASSIGNMENT - Try painting with light.

    • Painting with Light Achievement

  8. 8
    • ISO

    • ISO pdf

    • ISO Quick Reference Guide

    • Quiz: ISO

    • ASSIGNMENT - Take one photo with high ISO and another with low ISO and compare the two images.

    • ISO Achievement

  9. 9
    • Exposure Triangle and Manual Mode Video

    • Exposure Triangle and Manual Mode PDF

    • Sim Camera

    • Quiz: Exposure Triangle and Manual Mode

    • ASSIGNMENT - Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt

    • Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt PDF

    • Manual Mode On the Go Cheat Sheet

    • Manual Mode Achievement

  10. 10
    • Camera Lenses Video

    • Camera Lenses PDF

    • Quiz: Lenses

    • ASSIGNMENT - Try out different lenses

    • Lenses Achievement

  11. 11
  12. 12
    • Getting Inspiration

    • ASSIGNMENT - Make an Inspiration Notebook

    • Inspiration Notebook Achievement

    • Rule of Thirds Video

    • Rule of Thirds

    • How to Turn the Grid On

    • Quiz: Rule of Thirds

    • ASSIGNMENT- Practice using the Rule of Thirds

    • Rule of Thirds Achievement

    • Fill the Frame Video

    • Fill the Frame

    • ASSIGNMENT - Practice Filling the Frame

    • Fill the Frame Achievement

    • Negative Space

    • ASSIGNMENT - Practice Using Negative Space

    • Negative Space Achievement

    • Use Different Angels

    • Different Angles

    • ASSIGNMENT - Use Different Angles

    • Different Angles Achievement

    • Capture a Moment

    • Capture a Moment VS. Documenting

    • ASSIGNMENT - Capture a Moment

    • Capture a Moment Achievement

    • Forced Perspective

    • ASSIGNMENT - Make an Image Using Forced Perspective

    • Forced Perspective Achievement

    • BONUS TIP - Watch Your Background

  13. 13
    • Checklist - Make sure your images have these 7 things.

    • Photo Challenge #1: Mood Portraits

    • Mood Portraits Achievement

    • Photo challenge #2: A Day in the Life

    • A Day in the Life Achievement

    • Photo Challenge #3: Landscape

    • Landscape Achievement

    • Photo Challenge #4: Food Photography

    • Food Photography Achievement

    • Photo Challenge #5: Upclose Book

    • Upclose Book Achievement

  14. 14
    • Certificate of Completion